Proud Announcement & Request/Challenge

 Success! I started submitting my stories to publishers eight years ago, and like most authors, I made a list of goals for myself. One of them was to someday see my work inside a bookstore. Thanks to The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, I can now put a checkmark next to that particular goal.

In bookstores across the nation, you can now find copies of the July/Aug issue for 2023. My story, A Time to Sing, can be found near the bottom of the contents page. I may not have a complete book on the shelves yet, but now that dream seems to be one step closer and actually possible.

Here is what the cover of the issue looks like:

Do me a favor. If you find this book in the store, take a photo of it and tag me with the location. It would mean quite a bit to me!

When this story was accepted last year, I started checking the shelves of bookstores for The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction every month, and it made me smile every time I found a copy because I knew this day was coming. Unfortunately, I have checked bookstores in five different states in the last six weeks, and I’ve not found a single copy. Can you find one?

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